Family time

  • Family time,  Reading

    8 Recent Reads I’ve Loved

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin Hi there! I know many people pass the time with Netflix or TV but I am a total book lover. I have been such a bookworm my whole life that when I was a kid my parents would take my current book away as punishment. I fill any free time I can snuggled up on the couch with a good book, so grab a mug and a comfy couch spot, here are 8 books I’ve read recently and loved. The Rose Code By Kate Quinn Anything Kate Quinn has written I have read and loved. Sometimes I think I should have lived during WWI/WWII because…

  • Family time,  Home Improvement

    Late Nights and Our Next Home Project

    Hey friends! I hope you are finding relief from the summer heat and also enjoying the longer days. I have a bittersweet relationship with the extended daylight because our kids have so much trouble going to bed early, and then they sleep in super late the next morning. As a morning person and not someone that can stay up late this is super hard for me when my kids stay up later than I do! We already have all the bits and bobs to help them: black out shades, quiet time before bed, sound machines, yada yada yada. They are just night owls and I’m not! If they could tell…