
Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Delivered Babies

You can read all the books and google everything you can think of about delivering a baby but theres always something you wish you had been told beforehand. The nitty gritty. The truly honest. The things that only the closest people you know can tell you without offending you or really scaring you.

If there’s one thing that I would tell someone getting ready to have a baby-regardless of what number child this is for them- I think I would say; Find someone that understands and let them help you. Tell that person how you really feel and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Having just one person who can help you feel heard or validated can make all the difference in your postpartum journey. Someone you can show your true feelings to knowing you are loved and cared for while trying to find your way through postpartum life is more important than any other “new parenting tip”.

I recently did an Instagram poll where I asked my followers what are things you wish someone had told you before you delivered your baby? And I was amazed by the honesty and some of the things people said! Also I totally agree, these are definitely things that would be nice to know beforehand.

  • Shave the lady parts before delivery- it helps keep recovery a bit cleaner and if you have a c-section they will do it for you, ouch!
  • Postpartum sweating and hair loss are no joke, be ready.
  • Maxi-pad ice packs are a lifesaver in the hospital especially the Frida-Mom ones
  • Buy the nipple cream
  • You don’t need nearly as much stuff as marketing makes you think you need
  • With a boy- get Aquaphor in a TUBE not a TUB to put on circumcision if you get it
  • C-Section recovery is no joke, and how tired you’ll be after delivery
  • The hormone adjustments/emotional roller coaster is so real. “Baby blues” was an understatement. I thought something was wrong with me, didn’t realize it was so common.
  • Projectile pooping is normal and will (eventually) stop
  • Feeding babies is hard
  • It hurts like hell
  • C-Sections are not a walk in the park
  • They don’t get easier the older they get
  • Postpartum contractions hurt too. And they can last for a while!
  • Start taking stool softeners a few weeks before birth.
  • Prepare for postpartum more than the actual birth

Tell me what is something you wish someone had told you before you had babies?