• Family time,  Reading

    8 Recent Reads I’ve Loved

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin Hi there! I know many people pass the time with Netflix or TV but I am a total book lover. I have been such a bookworm my whole life that when I was a kid my parents would take my current book away as punishment. I fill any free time I can snuggled up on the couch with a good book, so grab a mug and a comfy couch spot, here are 8 books I’ve read recently and loved. The Rose Code By Kate Quinn Anything Kate Quinn has written I have read and loved. Sometimes I think I should have lived during WWI/WWII because…

  • Family time,  Home Improvement

    Late Nights and Our Next Home Project

    Hey friends! I hope you are finding relief from the summer heat and also enjoying the longer days. I have a bittersweet relationship with the extended daylight because our kids have so much trouble going to bed early, and then they sleep in super late the next morning. As a morning person and not someone that can stay up late this is super hard for me when my kids stay up later than I do! We already have all the bits and bobs to help them: black out shades, quiet time before bed, sound machines, yada yada yada. They are just night owls and I’m not! If they could tell…

  • Brand Review,  Self Care

    Case of the Mondays plus Olive and Linen Review

    Happy Monday friends! We have a serious case of the Mondays in our house today. Its the first day in almost two weeks we haven’t had someone visiting whether that be a family member or someone coming to help us work through all the ruffles we have encountered since moving into our house. We have gone no where and every project that has been started has been left incomplete. Even our playroom has a case of the Mondays. The only things I have done that were productive today is workout, keep my kids fed, safe, and alive, and fold a load of laundry. Speaking of laundry…I do laundry constantly and…

  • Uncategorized

    Let them be messy

    A friend of mine came over this morning with her three kids, who all happen to be almost the same ages as my three. Six kids, two moms. So much potential for chaos and for fun. Sometimes you just strike gold with the perfect combination of kids, sleep, weather, and activities, and today was all of those. Our kids played perfectly, mostly because we just let them be kids. We spent a little time inside getting any and all of our toys out before the request was made to go outside and catch bugs. (Most certainly not a request from one of my kids) So on went six pairs of…

  • Uncategorized

    Retractable gates and joy

    It’s been just over a week in our new (to us) but old house. We have replaced the carpet, the water heater, a whole house water pressure valve, the dryer vent, 8 massive trees, and years worth of dirt. We also renovated the upstairs to add a new attic access door, a new bedroom, and ceiling fans/lights in every bedroom. Out of all the household improvements we’ve done my favorite is a little retractable gate we added to our deck just above the stairs. It is conveniently placed just before several different sets of stairs and keeps the kids totally contained in the upper portion of our deck (that needs…

  • Uncategorized

    The First One

    Hi I’m Jenna, but you might already know that if you’re here. Before kids I was an avid blogger. I loved it and I spent hours doing it. Along with being a blogger, I was a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, runner, half marathon wannabe, and parenthood dreamer. I loved all that I was doing but what I really wanted in life was to be a mom. In January of 2016 I got pregnant with our first little girl, Emily and after a whirlwind first trimester of announcements, job hunting, apartment hunting, and moving halfway back across the country, we moved from Pennsylvania home to North Carolina to be close…