Family time,  Home Improvement,  Travel

Reacclimating, Picking Paint Colors and Glucose Test

Oh friends reacclimation to normal life after vacation is so tricky. I feel like I see it more in my kids than anywhere else. They are exhausted. Maggie has been taking two naps a day, and the older kids have had some serious emotions thanks to over tiredness. I usually like to build in a buffer day between vacation and regular life to help transition but this time we didn’t.

Yesterday we spent most of the morning cleaning, unpacking, decluttering, and making a donation pile. It was so productive but also so exhausting! It’s getting hard to manage the kids, being pregnant, and trying to be productive. I try to take advantage of time that Maggie is napping and the older girls are resting for those kinds of things but it also doesn’t help when I’m tired and need to rest too! Anyways, lots of good stuff happened but nothing of major consequence. The afternoon was spent with my mom and some friends who came over to help me start figuring out paint colors. I am ready to get some of this dark wood lightened up! I am the worst with making these kinds of decisions so its amazing to have women who have loved me and known me my whole life that are able to help. Here are a few hints for colors I’m looking at:

Did you know you can buy paint samples as peel and stick pages that you can stick to your walls? Who knew!? So my plan is to make a few color selections and then order some samples to stick all over the place. Much easier than getting a bunch of different little cans of paint.

Once we wrapped up our design planning session, it was straight into dinner, showers, laundry, and bed time. I was up and out early this morning for my 27 week and glucose test appointment at the doctor. The glucose test is one of my least favorite parts of pregnancy, but this morning’s appointment went great and I even ran into a gal in the waiting room that is in a mom group with me and follows my Instagram. We had never met in real life so it was fun to chat for a few minutes to pass the time while I was waiting.

My test wrapped up and I hustled home to relieve my sweet mom who was taking care of the kids and to have some breakfast. Anyone else ever run into the same issue where your kids think the next meal is supposed to start wayyyy before its time? My kids were asking for lunch while I was making my breakfast so while Maggie napped I let the older girls watch a movie to pass the time (which of course wasn’t the right movie so it didn’t last long) until a more reasonable hour for lunch approached.

Afternoon plans include making lunch (of course), working on my packing list blog post, spending some time decluttering, an impromptu meeting with our grading and hardscape guy (look at the awesome grading we got done while we were at the beach!), and maybe some outdoor water time.

How do you transition back to normal life from vacations? Any tips?