• Family time,  Travel

    Veer Wagon Review

    If I could go back to when I was purchasing our double stroller I would seriously consider skipping it all together in lieu of a Veer. I love that it serves so many purposes and can be so versatile for our family's needs. It is definitely an investment but unlike any stroller we have ever owned, we plan to use our Veer for many years to come.

  • Family time,  Travel

    Family Vacation Packing Tips

    One of the hardest parts of taking your family on vacation happens before you leave home. Trying to remember everything to pack and making sure it fits can be such a challenge! What if we need this? Or what is someone is sick? Or what if we don’t have a washing machine? Over the last few years I have started keeping a very specific and detailed packing list for our vacations to make packing easier. Every year I refer to the list and modify as needed because as kids grow or we have more kids a few items may change but the basic structure of the list always stays the…

  • Family time,  Home Improvement,  Travel

    Reacclimating, Picking Paint Colors and Glucose Test

    Oh friends reacclimation to normal life after vacation is so tricky. I feel like I see it more in my kids than anywhere else. They are exhausted. Maggie has been taking two naps a day, and the older kids have had some serious emotions thanks to over tiredness. I usually like to build in a buffer day between vacation and regular life to help transition but this time we didn’t. Yesterday we spent most of the morning cleaning, unpacking, decluttering, and making a donation pile. It was so productive but also so exhausting! It’s getting hard to manage the kids, being pregnant, and trying to be productive. I try to…