Family time,  Maternity

Things I’m loving while pregnant that I don’t normally love

Hiya! Happy beginning of the week to you! Our weekend was an awesome blend of productive and fun. Friday, Jon worked from home (love those days!) so I was able to leave Maggie home napping while the older girls and I went out to lunch with my grandparents! Our new house is about half a mile from them and I try to see them a few times a week. It’s incredibly sweet to see how happy my kids and my grandparents are to spend time together.

Saturday we took a day trip to my in-laws to visit our niece, nephew, brother and sister in law that are here from across the country. We were also able to see another sister in law so it was a big family gathering for a random Saturday morning. The drive took us about an hour and we met everyone at a local park for some playground and splash pad time. We packed everyone up before any major meltdowns and headed back for some lunch/play time before leaving at the right moment for two of our kids to sneak in car naps on the way home. Once we got home it was HOT out so we laid low inside with some movies and play time for the rest of the day. Jon got the last of our baby gates installed and then we let the kids stay up nice and late which made bed time a breeze.

Sunday everyone slept late because they had been up late the night before. We made our weekly meal plan over breakfast, brainstormed an upcoming vacation, did some packing, went to Costco, made some major progress on getting our fire place kid-proofed, and of course went to Sunday night dinner with my parents for some more splash pad fun.

As this pregnancy continues I’ve noticed there are a few things I am really enjoying right now that non-pregnant me would never enjoy. Isn’t it funny how our bodies’ likes, dislikes, and habits can change so much during pregnancy?

Here are a few things I’m loving while pregnant that I don’t normally love:


You guys non-pregnant Jenna is not a fan of smoothies at all. There’s something about the texture I’ve never quite been able to get over but right now I can’t get enough smoothies. I think part of the reason is that Jon got a new smoothie recipe book that has some pretty delicious options, plus we got a new food processor/blender that makes the texture way better for me. I also invested in some awesome re-useable straws that have helped me enjoy the flavor and temperature without too much texture exposure. I’m weird I know its fine. I’m thinking a reason I wasn’t into smoothies before was that I didn’t have the right equipment to make really good ones, but we will see once I’m no longer pregnant if I feel the same way.

Chewing ice

As the daughter of a dentist I’m embarrassed to admit how much I love eating ice when I’m pregnant. I have always done this and as soon as I’m no longer pregnant I stop but for whatever reason I LOVE ICE right now. Maybe it’s the heat? Either way I know its a terrible habit and one that I’ve fallen back into with each of my pregnancies. I am going to categorize this as an “only for right now” thing that will hopefully be resolved once I’m no longer pregnant. I’m sure everyone around me will be glad when I’m no longer annoyingly crunching!

Foot massages

Non-pregnant Jenna would kindly ask you to please never touch her feet. Pregnant Jenna would greatly appreciate any foot massage time you’d be willing to donate. I think part of this one is that my feet are sore and swollen thanks to being on them so much. A nice little massage makes a big difference. Also just staying off my feet helps too, but the reality of that is laughable.


I have mastered the 10 minute cat nap this pregnancy. With each kid I’ve had to learn that just because I’m pregnant and have other children to care for doesn’t mean I don’t need a nap. There are some days my kids will tell me that they think I should go rest, which is probably a major sign I should. So I try to use the time that Maggie is napping for even just a quick ten minute “close my eyes” session to try to get through the afternoon. My older kids are surprisingly good at helping me with this and will even go as far as tucking me in. Non-pregnant Jenna can usually survive and function on a lot less sleep than pregnant Jenna is able to. It sometimes feels like a weakness to me to give into the need for rest but I’ve chosen to look at it as self care.

Other random things:

  • Tomatoes– but only certain kinds, on certain days, with certain other foods
  • Being lazy– absolutely not something I like doing when I’m not pregnant but I feel like this one kind of goes with the territory
  • People touching me– I’m normally very against a lot of physical affection but pregnancy has brought out a new snuggle bug side of me, particularly with my kids
  • Thunder storms– never been a fan, but right now I love them
  • Jon working from home– maybe now that he has been going back into the office I’m just sad our “work from home time” is over, but I feel so sad when he leaves for work each morning and love the days he is working from home. Pre-pregnant Jenna had a hard time with having him work from home because it was a tricky balance for us, now that doesn’t seem to phase me at all.
  • This list– it’s making me chuckle at how many odd things I am loving right now that seem super out of character

Whelp I think we can all agree, I’m just kind of weird right now and that’s ok. As we kick off this week, we have absolutely no plans. We have some vacation prep that needs to be done, I’m definitely planning to make my early morning workouts at Burn (todays’ was so tough!), and it’s the final week of summer camp for our kids. But other than that, nothing which makes me really happy.

Tell me, what did you love when you were pregnant that non-pregnant you would have absolutely not liked?