• Fashion,  Maternity

    5 Maternity Must Have Summer Outfits

    Hi friends! How are you handling the heat this week? I was laughing with my mom recently because I mentioned the phrase “sweating more than a sinner in church” and then changed it to say “sweating more than a pregnant lady in the south in July”. It is hot out and there’s not much we can do about it although I have noticed that if I wear certain outfits, I can keep myself marginally cooler, keyword being marginally. Here are five summer maternity outfits that are a must have for anyone expecting a baby. A cotton tank and denim shorts Probably not the first outfit you would think right?! Having…

  • Family time,  Home Improvement,  Travel

    Reacclimating, Picking Paint Colors and Glucose Test

    Oh friends reacclimation to normal life after vacation is so tricky. I feel like I see it more in my kids than anywhere else. They are exhausted. Maggie has been taking two naps a day, and the older kids have had some serious emotions thanks to over tiredness. I usually like to build in a buffer day between vacation and regular life to help transition but this time we didn’t. Yesterday we spent most of the morning cleaning, unpacking, decluttering, and making a donation pile. It was so productive but also so exhausting! It’s getting hard to manage the kids, being pregnant, and trying to be productive. I try to…